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 WF YAU Notary Public

Our Practice 我们的服务

The Practice is founded in 2010 in Melbourne and our current Practice is in Brisbane Queensland Australia.

In accordance with the Halsbury's Law of England (5th ed, London LexiNexis 2009) Vol 66 para 1412, the meaning of a notary public is a "a legal officer appointed by the Court of Faculties, whose general role, amongst other matters, to draw, attest or certify, under an official seal, documents which are intended for use in other jurisdiction.  A notary may also prepare wills or other testamentary documents, note or certify transaction relating to negotiable instruments and draw up protests or other formal papers relating to shipping and the cargo conveyed therein.  The office further confers the right to administer oaths and declarations."

中华人民共和国公证员是通过2005年立法,于2006年3月1日开始生效。根据立法第2条,公证是指根据法定程序证明法律行为,文件或具有法律意义的事实的真实性和合法性。与澳大利亚不同,中国的公证员可应要求执行各种公证行为。 第11条规定,中国的公证人可以执行以下公证行为:

  1. 合同;

  2. 遗产;

  3. 授权,声明,赠予,遗嘱;

  4. 财产分配;

  5. 招标,拍卖;

  6. 婚姻状况,亲属关系,领养关系;

  7. 出生,目前,死亡,身份,经验,教育背景,学位,职称,专业技术职称,是否有非法和犯罪记录;

  8. 关系的文章;

  9. 证据保存;

  10. 文件中注明的签名,盖章和日期,与原文件相同一致的文件的副本或复印件; 和

  11. 任何人,法人或任何其他组织机构自愿要求公证的其他事项。

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